Band Directory

Bandhosts Live Music Directory

Band and Musican Directory

Bandhosts, The Online Band and Live Act website

Bandhosts Band Directory
Welcome to the Bandhosts Band Directory. This directory is a portal of live acts, bands, and musicians throughout the UK and Ireland. We aim to offer links to quality bands, including tribute and professional bands, session musicians, and those who work in the background within the industry, such as the dedicated band agents and pa equipment specialists that make live music events happen.

To find an act or service that may be of use to you, simply navigate to the appropriate section below.

If you are and act or website, and would live to join the Bandhosts Live Music Directory, simply find the section that is most appropriate to you, click the "add your site" button, and follow the on screen instructions.

We hope you enjoy the Band Directory site.

UK Touring Bands & Live Acts:
Covers Bands [8], Function Bands [13], Party Bands [6], Solo Acts [4], Tribute Bands [14]

Performing Musicians / Session Musicians:
Bass Players [5], Drummers [4], Guitarists [4], Vocalists [3]

Band Promoters / Agents / Venues / Studios / Equipment:
Band Agents [9], Equipment + PA Hire [7], Performance Venues [2], Recording Studios [3]

Regional Bands / Acts:
East Anglia [1], Eire [2], London [3], Midlands [5], North East [2], North West [3]
Scotland [6], South East [7], South West [5], Ulster [2], Wales [5]

Bandhosts Band Directory News:
Bandhosts is now Mobile Friendly - That's right, the website is now good to go on you... Read More